Melton Doek - Ready to Wear
Idayimani Headband for Men
Melton Doek - Large Square
Ready to wear Melton Doek with Faskoti Panels
Melton Doek - Small Square
Double Layered Melton Ready to Wear Doek
Yokoza Headband & Saliwa necklace for Sangomas - beads only (buy both or just 1)
Cashmere Doek (Head Scarf)
Traditional Xhosa Ready to WearDoek
Melton Doek - Small Triangle
Beaded head piece
Melton Rectangle Beaded African Doek
Traditional Xhosa Square Melton Doek
Melton Doek - Large Triangle
Vintage Style Xhosa Beaded Idayimani Headband
Beaded Idayimani Headband for Sangomas